Tusk’s Trek: Discovering Family Amidst the Wilderness.lisa

In the heart of the African savannah, a young elephant calf sets off on a challenging journey to find a new herd after being separated from his…

Incredible Rescue in Tsavo East: KWS Saves Baby Elephant Trapped in Mud Pit.lisa

In a dramatic rescue operation, the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) saved a young elephant from a life-threatening situation in Tsavo East National Park. A baby elephant was…

Dilan’s Remarkable Journey: Two Years Following an Elephant Rescue Full of Inspiration.lisa

In February 2020, a critically injured Sumatran elephant calf named Dilan was rescued from the Aceh jungle in Indonesia. At about five years old, Dilan had a…

Courageous Thai rescuers leap into action, saving a mother and baby elephant from a perilous waterhole.lisa

In a breathtaking moment of courage and compassion, a team of rescuers in Thailand accomplished an extraordinary feat by saving a mother elephant and her calf from…

Merru’s expedition on Mount Kenya weaves a tale of miraculous rescue intertwined with heartbreaking loss.lisa

In a secluded area of the Imenti Forest, пeѕtɩed amidst the grandeur of Mount Kenya’s slopes, Merru, a small ѕoᴜɩ, encountered a сһаɩɩeпɡіпɡ ordeal that drew the…

The heartbreaking seven-day weeping of an orphaned baby elephant serves as a poignant reminder of the tragic impact of human actions on wildlife.lisa

In the heart of Africa’s expansive wilderness, a heart-wrenching scene unfolded as a baby elephant, orphaned and abandoned, cried for seven days after being separated from its…

Heartwarming Incident: Courageous Elephant Rescues Caretaker from Attack.lisa

In a remarkable display of loyalty and bravery, an elephant came to the rescue of its caretaker during a shocking incident caught on camera in Thailand. The…

Comic Moment: Baby Elephant on the Hunt for its Misplaced Trunk!.lisa

Elephants have incredible memories and express their affection through their trunks. While humans use words to convey love, elephants use their trunks to stroke and show affection…

Rescue Team Saves Elephant from Mud Trap and Venomous Snake Bite.lisa

A thrilling rescue operation recently took place where a group of brave rescuers fought against time to save an elephant trapped in mud and at risk of…

Orphaned Elephant Discovers Family Among Sheep: A Touching Story of Unexpected Friendship.lisa

In a remote conservation reserve, a touching story of compassion and surprising friendship has unfolded, where an orphaned baby elephant has found an unexpected family among a…